Quote of the Day

Friday, September 5, 2008

"Eureka!! Eureka!!"

I could still remember very clearly the "Eureka" story I heard years ago like as if I heard of it yesterday.

It was about this great Greek scholar named Archimedes who was requested by King Hiero II, the ruler of Syracuse to ascertain that his crown of solid gold was indeed fully solid gold and not alloy, with a mixture of silver, without destroying the beautiful crown.

At first Archimedes was perplexed as to how to fulfill the King's request.... Then one day while he was at the public bath, he noticed how the water level of the tub rose when he got in and went back down again when he got out. Instantly it dawned on him how to resolve the King's problem.

He was so excited that he ran home naked through the street of Syracuse shouting "Eureka!! Eureka!!" which in Greek means "I have found it".

This discovery is now the infamous "Archimedes' Principle".

Archimedes, born and bred in Syracuse, Sicily (287-212 BC) is considered one of the greatest inventors and mathematicians. He helped invent weapons and methods, like employing mirrors to set enemy ships ablaze, to defend Syracuse during the Romans' attack. After a 2-year siege where the Roman entered the city, Archimedes was killed in the battle that followed. His other famous inventions were the lever, the compound pulley and Archimedes' screw.

I am sharing this story to honour this great intelligent man who very much deserved to be remembered!

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