Quote of the Day

Friday, August 29, 2008

A place for everything, everything in its place

Are you one who spends endless waking hours looking for this and looking for that? And in the process gets very frustrated and annoyed with others and with yourself?

The rule of thumb is to first get organise. Have a specific place for everything, then make a conscious effort to put back the things you took in their special place immediately after use. Avoid the "I'll do it later" attitude. If you have to get up and walk 10 steps to do it... do it and do it in that moment. Believe me, it works.
"A place for everything, everything in its place" ~~~ if you get into the habit of practising this concept you will not only save yourself a lot of wasted time but also cut down your stress level especially when you are in a hurry and knows where you can put your hands on the things you need.

Ladies, if you have handbags with many compartments, this is one habit you want to practise. Save yourself a lots of stress rummaging into your handbag for your car keys and handphone when it rings.....

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